Monday, September 22, 2008

Tales from the West End...

Ok so on Saturday I had a fabulous day hanging out with my freshman dorm sister who's finally decided to come back and finish her matriculation at CAU. We decided to run to the West End mall to go to this bookstore (which I love by the way) and look up some holistic books and other's by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Na'im Akbar, and some others. We just had a very nice day with each other so before we left the mall we decided to sit in the parking lot and talk for a bit, now this is around 8pm. I want to say around 8:30 a man, mid to late 20's pulled up on the drivers side going to opposite direction and stopped right next to my friends car, we thought nothing of it. So about 15 minutes goes by, we're still talking and this man is still sitting there so then she asks me, "Tiff, what is this man doing? He keeps peaking over here."

"He's probably getting some head or rolling a blunt or something, it is the west end." We both laughed and then he opened his car door a little bit then closed it and then opened it again. My homegirl looks to the side and says "omg, Tiffany look!" I look over...

This man is jacking off! Just staring at us in our faces and jacking off! So I screamed at him, "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" He didn't say anything, just kept at it.

We were stunned and were kinda laughing is disbelief and looking around for mall security, of course there were none. None had came by during the hour we were sitting there. So I guess we caught the end of it because he nutted, wiped his hand off, closed his door and drove off, no tags or anything on his car. Nasty ass

I'm offended, what made him think we wanted to see that mess? I almost threw up in my mouth. But I'm not too mad because maybe he was abused as a child or something and doesn't know how to act because no one in their right mind...anyways I guess that was the low light of my weekend.



All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u for real, jacking off
when u stopping by the shop folk

TheophaniaPaige said...

Yes, he was. I told you if you'd give me some type of direction on how to get there via train or bus I'd make it over there, you know I'm vehicularly challenged, lol...