Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Week 25!

Yeah so this would make week 25 and I have been slacking a bit with the regimine but its not that bad because I do walk (MLK to West End Mall) to and from work at good pace and run around the store for a good 4-5 hours, lol. But, I have had one too many snacks this week and it shows, the tummy isn't as flat as it was 2 weeks ago (not that's it's ever been really flat but still, lol) they're right, sugar is the devil, haha...
OK so this isn't the BEST picture of my progress (mainly because I just ate and the picture angle sucks, excuses, I know, lol) but it is still a working progress! I'm going to sleep now, it's 11:20, waaay past my bedtime. Night!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Tales from the West End...

Ok so on Saturday I had a fabulous day hanging out with my freshman dorm sister who's finally decided to come back and finish her matriculation at CAU. We decided to run to the West End mall to go to this bookstore (which I love by the way) and look up some holistic books and other's by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Na'im Akbar, and some others. We just had a very nice day with each other so before we left the mall we decided to sit in the parking lot and talk for a bit, now this is around 8pm. I want to say around 8:30 a man, mid to late 20's pulled up on the drivers side going to opposite direction and stopped right next to my friends car, we thought nothing of it. So about 15 minutes goes by, we're still talking and this man is still sitting there so then she asks me, "Tiff, what is this man doing? He keeps peaking over here."

"He's probably getting some head or rolling a blunt or something, it is the west end." We both laughed and then he opened his car door a little bit then closed it and then opened it again. My homegirl looks to the side and says "omg, Tiffany look!" I look over...

This man is jacking off! Just staring at us in our faces and jacking off! So I screamed at him, "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" He didn't say anything, just kept at it.

We were stunned and were kinda laughing is disbelief and looking around for mall security, of course there were none. None had came by during the hour we were sitting there. So I guess we caught the end of it because he nutted, wiped his hand off, closed his door and drove off, no tags or anything on his car. Nasty ass

I'm offended, what made him think we wanted to see that mess? I almost threw up in my mouth. But I'm not too mad because maybe he was abused as a child or something and doesn't know how to act because no one in their right mind...anyways I guess that was the low light of my weekend.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Massa was in his quarters...

...maybe that's why he seems so angry all the on, lol...

The season is changing quickly and unfortunately I've become a little under the weather. So today I decided fck it, I'm going to student health to go get some medicine. Yesterday I woke up with a fever and my head has been pounding since I've woken up this morning, I keep getting these hot and cold flashes, sneezing, coughing, achy all over, and every time I yawn it feels like I'm about to fall the hell out or like my head is gonna explode, the whole 9. So of course when I go to student health I get the doctor which whom I can't stand he always has a bad attitude (for what I dunno), very sarcastic, and his tone is just awful.

So I sit in the office facing his, smile, ask him how he's doing and he replies, very cordial, I was actually surprised. He walks in the office that I'm in and all of a sudden he looks like he has an attitude and he starts rushing through procedure, before even asking me about my symptoms he says, "What test are you trying to get out of Ma'am? What class are you missing?" I'm just looking at him like wtf, so I told him my 8am but only because I was trying to get to student health early but they didn't open till 9. (I didn't want to miss my 8am, we have good convo's in class but I also wasn't trying t get anyone sick) I wasn't even asking for a doctors note or anything.

"What's wrong with you today Ma'am?" (black doctor by the way). I say few things and he proceeds to look at my throat, "Nothing is wrong with your throat ma'am."

He was just being very sarcastic, I wanted to scream, "Nigga I'm sick wtf is you talkin bout?!?" So he asked me about my symptoms and I explained them to him.

"Ma'am have you ever experienced these symptoms before?" I'm thinking uh yeah I know when I'm fckin sick, don't try to make me look stupid, I didn't come here to get diagnosed I came to get medicine. But all I said was yeah

"You have the common cold Ma'am" No shit Sherlock...

So the nurse goes to get me some Offset and throat lozenges and it's just me and him in the room so I try to make small talk to liven up the mood because it looks like he already doesn't want to be there so I said "Guess what Dr. ______?!?"

"What Ma'am?" If this mf says Ma'am one more time...

"Well remember when I was having issues with my cycle well I lost some weight to help it and I was 185 in March and now I'm about 165." Now, I'm expecting a "Well what have you been doing to lose the weight?"or a "Wow that's nice keep up he good work.", SOMETHING, but no, he says,

"Do you know you weigh almost as much as I do?" and cocks his head to the side.

Bastard, at this point I'm ret to go and that's when the nurse came back in and I just took the medicine and was like "Are we finished?" then I left.

See, this is part of the reason why Black folk don't visit doctors, you'd like to feel cared for comfortable and like the doctor actually is concerned about you, he's just always been cold as ice, since my freshman year after having him I've always asked to be scheduled with the other doctor because he just acts like a tight ass prick, like he has a chip on his shoulder or something or like he'd rather not be working here. That's the vibe he sends out and he does it so slick, it's almost funny and my female cohorts have said the same about him and have complained about him he needs to chill with that mess before I file a complaint on his ass...

Man I'm irritated, drowsy and hungy, but thanks for listening to my rant, lol...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Yeah it's been a minute...

This is going to be very short there are just some things on my mind I need to get out...some may be a little random...

Due to a recent turn of events, new found information and various conversations I've had with the opposite sex I've come to the conclusion that monogamy is bullshit and I dare someone to dispute me on that.

Why say something you don't mean then get mad when someone questions you about it?

Time is so precious, try not to waste it, or others. It's highly irritating.

You know you're pissed off when your sex drive is non-existent or cringe at the thought of someone touching you.

Things could be so simple, it's the jackasses that fck it up for the rest of us.

A man will do anything is his power to show you he loves and cares about you before he even thinks of saying it. -- Courtesy of K.E.

I think men really enjoy hanging out with each other, I had some neighbors (guys) that stayed in each others faces everyday (at least 7), sounded like they were playing Madden and bumping 50cent just about everyday but all the hoopin and hollerin, jumpin around and hyping each other up was cute. I could feel the testosterone through the wall, lol.

BTW, no I have not given up on my exercising and stuff I actually went to the doctor a few days ago and checked my weight, are you ready people, drum roll please..........


I was 185 back in March. None of my jeans fit anymore or my dress pants, they just fall off, literally, I've had to cut some extra holes in my belt, and my ass looks great!!! coming soon...I mean not of my ass, lol...